
If you would like to make a reservation or enquire about a booking, please submit the online Enquiry form, please could you give details if a dog is to be included in the booking.

If children are included, please give ages.

We have tried to cover all of the information that you may require on this website but do contact if you have further queries.

If you request a definite booking, we will send an email confirming availability and the full price, if you are happy with this, we will reserve your dates and forward details for payment of your deposit of £100 (or full payment if within 6 weeks), this is usually by bank transfer or you may pay by cheque.

We will confirm receipt of your payments.

Shortly before your holiday, we will send arrival details to you.


Thank you.

Please note we do not accept:
- Children (under 18 years of age)
- Infants (under 10 years of age)
- Pets
